European Business and Nature Summit – Day 1 (Nov 7th, 2019): Videos and presentations
for Nature
and People
The European Business and Nature Summit is a regional stepping stone in the global run to strengthen the role of businesses in supporting nature conservation and its sustainable use.
European Business
and Nature Summit
Nov 7, 2019 - Session 1
Building action for nature and people: The role of businesses and financial institutions
EBNS Moderator
Eva Zabey
Executive Director, Business for Nature Coalition
Plenary 1 - Building action for nature and people: businesses can lead the way!
Welcoming remarks
Hugo Morán
Secretary of State for Environment, Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition
Terhi Lehtonen
Secretary of State for Environment, Finnish Ministry of Environment and Climate
Thomas Verheye
Principal Advisor Green Finance & Investment, European
Video - EBNS PL1
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Plenary 2 - 1st high-level panel – Building action for nature and people
David Cooper
Deputy Executive Secretary, CBD
Anne Larigauderie
Executive Secretary, IPBES
Valentín Alfaya
President, Spanish Green Growth Group
Alice Durand-Reville
Director of Corporate and Public Affairs, Danone
Video - EBNS PL2
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Plenary 3 - Kick-starting a European business commitment for nature
Christian Heller
Vice President of BASF and CEO of value balancing alliance