Building Action for Nature and People
The European Business and Nature Summit is a regional stepping stone in the global run to strengthen the role of businesses in supporting nature conservation and its sustainable use.

European Business
and Nature Summit
Nov 8, 2019 - Session
Building action for nature and people: Public-private alliances and innovations to leverage business action
EBNS Moderator
Eva Zabey
Executive Director, Business for Nature Coalition
Plenary 6 - Building a thriving planet and society together: How do we move away from business as usual?
Welcoming remarks
Video - EBNS PL6
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Group Sessions 7-12

GS 7 - Investing in green infrastructure and nature-based solutions at the local level
Video - EBNS GS7
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GS8 - Strategies and frameworks to engage businesses on biodiversity
Kristiina Niikkonen
Environment Councellor, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Terhi Lehtonen
Secretary of State, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Javier Cachón
General Director on Biodiversity and Environmental Quality, Spanish
Ministry for the Ecological Transition
Timo Lehesvirta
Sustainable Forestry Lead, Forest, Global, UPM
Video - EBNS GS8
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GS 9 -Combining forces: building the bridge between natural capital approaches
Video - GS9
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GS 10 - Linking the biodiversity and circular economy agendas
Video - GS10
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GS 11 - Engaging with biodiversity throughout the supply chain
Video - GS11
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GS 12 - Finance round Table
Video - GS12
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PL 7 - 2nd high-level panel
Session 6 - The road to 2030: How to engage businesses and build lasting partnerships to accelerate change and build momentum for nature?
Thomas Verheye
Principal Advisor Green Finance & Investment, European
Tom Vöge
International Chamber of Commerce
Bernedine Bos
Director of Services, CSR Europe
Kimberly Nicole Pope
World Economic Forum
Mark Gough
CEO, Capitals Coalition
Video - PL7
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Day 1 - 7th November, 2019
Building action for nature and people: The role of businesses and financial institutions